Mike Smith

Sparky Jared - drums

Mikeā€¢Smith is the drummer. Big deal. "Big deal?" did I hear you say? Yeah, it's a big deal. You try banging the holy living shit out of a huge drum kit for four hours a night behind a heavy-hitting group of Badasses and see how you think "Big Deal". The inverse proportion of his solidity and stamina to your puny flailings would astound and embarass us all. So don't even try. Precision and power. Patterns, permutations and paradiddles. And Mike also likes iced tea with lots of sugar and is known to many by his stage name "Sparky Jared".

Check out Theā€¢Stoneā€¢Giants on Spotify right here from this page! Enjoy our tunes while you rest your mousing finger. Tell Sparky he's the reason we made an extra 1/4 of a penny in royalty revenue!

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