Ken Becker

Ken Becker - guitar and vocals

Ken•Becker doesn't really need this gig. He makes a ton of scratch with his day gig of trading energy and munition futures on the Bursa Efek Indonesian exchange. He's got a smokin' hot wife and a superstar middle schooler at home. He also paints cars. For real paints cars. Badass custom shit that people pay top dollar for. Been in the magazines, got the awards, took pictures with the car-show show-girls. No, he doesn't need this gig. He loves this gig. And Ken gets the prize for most road-miles traveled. 347,280 miles and counting.

Check out The•Stone•Giants on Spotify right here from this page! Enjoy our tunes while you rest your mousing finger. Tell Ken he's the reason we made an extra 1/4 of a penny in royalty revenue!

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